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Post-Production List - 11 Pages long
  • Post-Production List - 11 Pages long

Post-Production List - 11 Pages long

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The list I created was so you don’t have to spend nearly two weeks ciphering through the bad and dead websites vs. the good and alive links. Also you won’t need any one to connect you, you can market yourself; the best music biz advice ever.

So for less than you probably spent on your lunch today you can have all access to all the best

 The list I created was so you don’t have to spend nearly two weeks ciphering through the bad and dead websites vs. the good and alive links. Also you won’t need any one to connect you, you can market yourself; the best music biz advice ever.

So for less than you probably spent on your lunch today you can have all access to all the best post-production companies in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York.

I’m also throwing in the creative directory lists websites, over 90 music contracts as well as a site that contains major and major independent labels information.

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